2011 Industrial Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (Ph.D.)
2007 Industrial Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (M.S.)
2005 Systems Management Engineering, Sungkyunkwan University (B.S.)
Assistant Professor, Department of Mechanical System Design Engineering, Seoul National University of Science and Technology, Korea (Apr. 2021 - Present)
Principal Researcher, Manufacturing Process Platform R&D Department, Korea Institute of Industry and Technology, Korea (Aug. 2014 - Mar. 2021)
Associate Professor, Department of Robotics and Virtual Engineering, University of Science and Technology, Korea (Sep. 2015 - Aug. 2018)
Guest Researcher, Life Cycle Engineering Group, System Integration Division, National Institute of Standards and Technology, USA (Jan. 2012 - Jul. 2014)
Research Assistant, UGS PLM Solution & Digital Manufacturing Research Centers, Korea (Oct. 2003 - Aug. 2011)
Researcher, VR/CAD Team, Institute for Graphic Interfaces, Korea (Sep. 2007 - Aug. 2008)
Global Internship, Research Assistant, Department of Industrial Application, Fraunhofer IGD, Germany (Jun. 2006 - Feb. 2007)
Research Areas
Modeling & Simulation (Discrete Event Simulation, DES), Digital Twin/Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Manufacturing Process Intelligence (Data Analytics, Edge Computing)
Smart Manufacturing, Data-driven Manufacturing, Digital Twin/Cyber-Physical Systems
Journal Papers
◾ Optimization of buffer design for mixed-model sequential production line based on simulation and reinforcement learning, Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing, 2024이주연
◾ Introduction of Human-in-the-Loop in Smart Manufacturing (H-SM), International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing-Smart Technology, 2024이주연
◾ 인간과 로봇 협업공간 내의 충돌 감지 분석을 위한 디지털 트윈 기술 개발, Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol.29 No.2 pp.144~152, 2024이주연
◾ Toward cyber-physical systems for monitoring and analyzing energy consumption of machine tools, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol.37 No.12 pp.1495~1516, 2024이주연
◾ PCB 커넥터의 치수 데이터 기반 형상복원 및 품질분류 모델 개발, Korean Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol.28 No.4 pp.549~559, 2023이주연
◾ Development of a Quality Prediction Algorithm for an Injection Molding Process Considering Cavity Sensor and Vibration Data, International Journal of Precision Engineering and Manufacturing, 2023이주연
◾ Use of Asset Administration Shell Coupled with ISO 15926 to Facilitate the Exchange of Equipment Condition and Health Status Data of a Process Plant, Processes, vol.10 No.10, 2022이주연
◾ Digital Twin-Based Integrated Monitoring System: Korean Application Cases, Sensors, vol.22 No.14 pp.1~14, 2022이주연
◾ Development of a cost analysis-based defect-prediction system with a type error-weighted deep neural network algorithm, Journal of Computational Design and Engineering, vol.9 No.2 pp.380~392, 2022이주연
◾ Data-analytics-based factory operation strategies for die-casting quality enhancement, The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, vol.119 No.5-6 pp.3865~3890, 2022이주연
◾ Server-Edge dualized closed-loop data analytics system for cyber-physical system application, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol.67, 2021이주연
◾ An Integrated Energy Data Analytics Approach for Machine Tools, IEEE Access, vol.8 pp.56124~56140, 2020이주연
◾ A dynamic processing methodology of manufacturing data for the automated throughput analysis in cyber-physical production environment, Concurrent Engineering: Research and Applications, vol.27 No.2 pp.155~169, 2019이주연
◾ Automatized modeling of a human engineering simulation using Kinect, Robotics and Computer Integrated Manufacturing, vol.55 No.Special SI pp.259~264, 2019이주연
◾ The FaaS system using additive manufacturing for personalized production, Rapid Prototyping Journal, 2018이주연
◾ Development of a framework for the integration and management of sustainability for small- and medium-sized enterprises, International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 2017이주연
◾ A big data analytics platform for smart factories in small and medium-sized manufacturing enterprises: An empirical case study of a die casting factory, INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF PRECISION ENGINEERING AND MANUFACTURING, 2017이주연
Conference Papers
◾ 권동현, 최민철, 이주연, 채수문, Development of the No-Code Data Analysis System for Non-Experts – Implementation of Time-Series Data Analysis and Design of Experiments, KSPE 2024 Autumn Conference, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2024이주연
◾ 안정민, 김덕봉, 이주연, Reinforcement Learning Based Path Planning Considering the Kinematics of a Robot in the WAAM Process, KSPE 2024 Autumn Conference, 경주화백컨벤션센터, 2024이주연
◾ 부소연, 문성현, 이주연, Development of Integrated Educational Kit for Smart Factory and Application Scenario, 2024 Summer Conference fo Society for Computational Design and Engineering, 제주 라마다호텔, 2024이주연
◾ 배태겸, 이주연, Shape Feature Extraction and Quality Assessment Based on Dimension Data for Small Injection Molded Products, 2024 Winter Conference fo Society for Computational Design and Engineering, 평창 휘닉스파크, 2024이주연
◾ 안정민, 이주연, 우정엽, Development of Digital Twin for Collision Detection Analysis within Human-Robot Collaborative Workspaces, 2024 Winter Conference fo Society for Computational Design and Engineering, 평창 휘닉스파크, 2024이주연
◾ 김명환, 이시윤, 이준성, 이주연, Open Source Utilization and Development of Digital Twin Model Based on MES Data, Proceedings of KSPE 2023 Autumn Conference, 쏠비치 삼척, 2023이주연
◾ 안정민, 방필제, 전병선, 이주연, Application of Digital Twin for Analysis of Human Robot Collaborative Works pace s, Proceedings of KSPE 2023 Autumn Conference, 솔비치 삼척, 2023이주연
◾ 배태겸, 안정민, 문성현, 이주연, Development of Defects Prediction Algorithm for Shape of Injection Products using Dimension Data of Machine Vision: A Case Study of PCB Connector, Proceeding of 2023 Summer Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, 소노캄 제주, 2023이주연
◾ 김경준, 이기은, 이정민, 이주연, Development of an Algorithm for Determining the Defects of Small Injection Parts Using Injection Process Data, Proceedings of KSPE 2022 Autumn Conference, 대구 엑스포, 2022이주연
◾ 곽민상, 권민혁, 이예원, 이주연, Development of Defects Prediction Algorithm Using Vision/Dimension Data of Injection Parts for an Automotive PCB Connector, Proceedings of KSPE 2022 Autumn Conference, 대구엑스포, 2022이주연
◾ 이주연, 김준, 최원화, Explainable Digital Twin for Quality Data Analytics of Injection Molding Process, 2022 Winter Conference of Society for Computational Design and Engineering, 소노캄 제주, 2022이주연
◾ 이주연, 김준, 최원화, Development of AI-based process intelligence technology for quality/machine data analysis of injection molding industry, 2021 KSDME Spring, Autumn Integrated Conference, 국립공주대학교 천안캠퍼스, 2021이주연
◾ 송원성, 이주연, 김유철, 서선영, 김남혁, Data Collection/Storage System of AAS-Based Port Digital Logistics Platform, 2021 KIIE Autumn Conference, 동국대학교, 2021이주연
◾ 김준, 최원화, 김진석, 이주연, Development of a Vision-Image-Based Quality PredictionNeural-Network Algorithm for an Injection Molding Machine Considering Cavity Sensor and Vibration Data, PRESM2021, 제주 라마다 호텔, 2021이주연
◾ 최원화, 김준, 이주연, 사출성형 부품의 형상 품질 예측을 위한 딥러닝 기반 공정 지능화 시스템 개발, 2021 Spring Joint Conference, 제주 국제컨벤션센터, 2021이주연
◾ 최은지, 유주은, 김지현, 이은주, 최원화, 김준, 이주연, Development of Image-based Feature Extraction Alogrithm for Quality Classification of Injection Molded Products, 2021 KIIE Spring Joint Conference, 제주 국제컨벤션센터, 2021이주연
◾ 김지현, 이은주, 유주은, 최은지, 최원화, 김준, 이주연, A Study on Statistical and Data Analytical Approach for Quality Enhancement of Injection Molding Processes, 2021 KIIE Spring Joint Conference, 제주 국제컨벤션센터, 2021이주연
◾ 이원화 폐순환 데이터 분석 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2021이주연
◾ 공작 기계의 툴 모델 소비 에너지 분석 방법 및 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2021이주연
◾ 사이버 물리 생산 시스템 및 이에 의한 데이터 처리 방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2020이주연
◾ 이기종 공작 기계 컨트롤러용 통합 인터페이스 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2019이주연
◾ 제조 특화형 알고리즘 템플릿 기반 데이터 분석 방법 및 플랫폼 구조 시스템, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2018이주연
◾ 계측절삭부하에 따른 실시간 가공공정의 제어방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2018이주연
◾ 실시간 보정되는 기준절삭부하에 기초한 공작기계의 제어방법, 특허 등록, 대한민국, 2017이주연